The rise of Magadha

      In the beginning of 6th century B.C.,Aryans no longer live in simple tribe.They now lives in kingdoms and republics.Kingdoms are monarchies,which is ruled by the single ruler.A republic is that form of government in which power is held by the people or a group of elected person or an elected chief.The concentration of monarchies was on  the Gangetic plain ,republics were scattered in the foothills of Himalayas and in northwestern India.Some republics consists only one tribe like Shakya,Lichchhavis living in what is today's northern Bihar and Mallas.

      The Buddhist literature Anguttara Nikaya gives a list of sixteen great kingdoms called 'Sixteen Mahajanapadas'.
                Mahajanapadas                                Capital                                  
        1.           Anga                                            Champanagri
        2.           Magadha                                      Rajagriha
        3.           Kasi                                              Kasi
        4.           Kosala                                          Shravasti
        5.           Vajji/Vrijji                                    Vaishali
        6.           Malla                                            Kushinara
        7.           Chedi                                            Shuktimati/Banda
        8.           Vatsa                                             Kausambi
        9.           Kuru                                             Indraprastha,Hastinapur
       10.          Panchala                                       Ahichhatra,Kampilya
       11.          Matsya                                          Viratnagar
       12.          Surasena                                       Mathura
       13.          Asmaka                                         Potali
       14.          Avanti                                           Ujjain
       15.         Gandhara                                       Taxila
       16.         Kambhoja                                      Rajapura

   In course of time,the small and weak kingdoms either submitted to the stronger rulers or got eliminated.In the mid of 6th century B.C. only four kingdoms survived-Vatsa,Avanti,Kosala and Magadha.

 1. Vatsa :- It was situated on the banks of the river yamuna.Its most popular ruler was Udayana.He strengthened his position by matrimonial alliances with Avanti,Anga and Magadha.After his death,Vatsa was annexed to the Avanti kingdom.

2. Avanti :- The most important ruler of this kingdom was Pradyota.He became powerful by marrying Vasavadatta,the daughter of Udayana.He patronized Buddhism.The successors of Pradyota were weak and later this kingdom was taken over by Magadha rulers.

 3. Kosala :- King Prasenajit was famous ruler of Kosala.He was highly educated.He strengthened his position as a ruler by matrimonial alliances with Magadha,his sister Kosaladevi was married to Bimbisara and Kasi was given to her as dowry.Subsequently there was dispute with Ajatashatru.After the end of the conflict,Prasenajit married his daughter with Ajatashatru.After the death of this powerful king,Kosala became part of the Magadha.

4. Magadha :-  In all of North India Magadha emerged as the most powerful and prosperous kingdom.It became nerve centre of political activity.It had fertile soil,iron ores in the hills near Rajgir and copper & iron deposits near Gaya added to its natural assets.During the reign of Bimbisara and Ajatashatru wealth reached at its zenith.

Bimbisara(544-492 B.C)
  He belonged to the Haryanka dynasty.He consolidated his position by matrimonial alliances.His first matrimonial alliance was with the ruling family of Kosala.He married to Kosaladevi,who was sister of Prasenajit and got Kasi as in dowry.It yielded large revenue to Magadha.His second marriage was with Chellana,who was Lichchhavi princess from Vaishali.This marriage secured the safety of the Northern frontier.His third strategic marriage was with khema.she was from Madra clan in central Punjab.Magadha had large iron ore deposits,this added power and wealth to the kingdom.Much of the trade and transport had been done by the boats in the Ganga plain.Soon Magadha came to control the rivers.Bimbisara defeated Brahmadatta of Anga.In Anga there was a important river port Champa,ships sailed from there down to delta of ganga and further along the east coast of India to south India.From south India ships returned with spices and precious stones which made Magadha rich.He maintained friendly relations with Avanti.He had also efficiently re-organised administration of his kingdom.He was a contemporary of both Mahavira and Gautam Buddha.However,both the religions claim him as their supporter and devotee.He seems to have made numerous gifts to Buddhist sangha.

Ajatashatru(492-460 B.C)
   He murdered his father Bimbisara.He attacked his uncle Prasenajit,king of Kosala and Vajji/Vrijji confederacy.Vajji confederacy was led by the Lichchhavi of Vaishali.This war lasted for about sixteen years.At this time,he realised the importance of small village.He fortified Pataligrama(Future Pataliputra) to serve base operations against Vaishali.Buddhist and Jains both claims that Ajatashatru was a follower of their religion.In the beginning,he was follower of jainism and subsequently embraced Buddhism.He met Gautam Buddha,this scene was depicted in the sculpture of Barhut(Madhya Pradesh).According to Mahavamsa(epic poem of Sri Lanka),he constructed several chaityas and viharas.He was also instrumental in convening the First Buddhist Council at Rajagriha soon after the death of Buddha.The immediate successor of Ajatashatru was Udayin.He laid the foundation of new capital at Pataliputra situated at the confluence of the two river,the Ganga and the Son.Udayin's successors were weak and Magadha was captured by Shishunaga/Saisunaga.

Shishunaga/Saisunaga dynasty
   After capturing Magadha,Shishunaga defeated the king of Avanti and made part of the Magadhan empire.After Shishunaga,the mighty empire began to collapse.His successor was Kakavarman or Kalasoka.During his reign second Buddhist Council was held at Vaishali.Kalasoka was killed by the founder of Nanda dynasty.

Nanda dynasty
   Magadha became vast empire under the Nanda dynasty.Mahapadma Nanda was the powerful ruler of this dynasty.He uprooted Kshatriya dynasties in North India and assumed the title of 'ekarat'(sole sovereign). According to Buddhist tradition,he ruled for ten years.He succeeded by his eight sons,who ruled successively.The last Nanda ruler was Dhana Nanda,he kept Magadha intact and possessed powerful army and enormous wealth.The enormous wealth of Nanda dynasty also mentioned in Tamil sangam 'Ahananaru' by poet Mamulanar.At this time agriculture was flourishing which brought treasury to the enormous revenue.There were oppressive way of tax collections,which was resented by the people.Chandragupta Maurya and Kautilya took advantage of this and initiated the peoples movement against Nanda rule.Alexender invaded at this time.

    Now,lets go back to the time when four kingdoms were fighting among themselves -Vatsa,Avanti,Kosala,Magadha.When these kingdoms were fighting,there was someone who captured the North western frontier.He was a Persian ruler Cyrus.This was an Achaemenian empire.

Cyrus(558-530 B.C)
  Cyrus the great was the greatest conqueror of Achaemenian empire.He was the first conqueror,who led an expedition and entered into India.He had captured the Gandhara.All indian tribes to the west of Indus submitted and paid tribute to him.His son Cambyses was too busy to pay attention towards India.

Darius I (522-486 B.C. )
   He was the grandson of Cyrus.He conquered Indus valley in 518 B.C and annexed Punjab and Sindh into his empire.This region became 20th satropy(province governed by satrop/governor) of his empire.This province was most fertile and populous province.He sent a naval expedition under Skyla to explore the Indus river.

Xerxes(465-456 B.C)
   He utilizes Indian province to strengthen his position. He deployed Indian Infantry and cavalry to Greece to fight his opponents but retreated them after the defeat of Xerxes.After this failure, Achaemenians could not follow the forward policy in India but it was still under their control.

  Darius III enlisted Indian soldiers to fight Alexender in 330 B.C.Persian control slackened at the eve of Alexender Invasion.

Effects of Persian Invasion
   It provide impetus the growth of Indo-Iranian commerce.It prepared ground for Alexender invasion.Kharoshti script(form of iranian writing) became popular in North western India some Ashoka edicts were written in this script.There was Persian art in monolithic pillars of Ashoka,the idea of issuing edicts and the wording used in edicts traced to Iranian influence.Iranian connection with India proved more fruitful than the  short lived Macedonian contact.

   The 6th century B.C time period is very important for the Indian history.There was so much happened in this period.Coins was also used first time in this period,which gave boost to the trade.Buddha and Mahavira was born in this period,which is very important religion for world peace.We will talk about them in the next post.

Thank you.



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