
Showing posts from January, 2020

Reality of aryan invasion

    This topic is very controversial so we will look into the matter,as the facts portraits the picture and also looking into the recent studies ,what they have to say about this matter.Firstly,let's talk about how this comes into view that 'Aryans' were migrant.When there was British raj 'East India Company' wants their administrators to know about the history of India so that they can control it more and make a loot more efficient.When they were studying the Sanskrit language they found out that there were lots of common words in the European languages and Sanskrit that's how they figured it out that the Sanskrit comes in this region from somewhere else.    Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European family, in this family of languages comes many languages such as Persian,Assamese,Gujrati,Hindi,Sindhi,Kashmere,Greek,Spanish,German,French,English, Italian.Now let's talk about the similarities between the Rig veda and Avesta texts.Avesta is an religious ...

Harappan civilization

     Harappan civilization is collection of many cities which have been found around the indus river by the archaeologists.It is called harappan civilization because first city was harappa which have been found.150 years ago when railway lines were laying down engineers found out about the harappa city in punjab(Pakistan) at that time they don't know that it was an ancient civilization.They excavated 1000's of high quality bricks from the site and used them.80 years ago archaeologists found that these bricks were from an ancient civilization and then they started studying these sites.    Harappan civilization developed 4700 years ago.Some of the important cities in this civilization are:  Harappa                 -   sahiwal district,punjab,Pakistan Rakhi-Garhi          -    haryana,India Kalibangan           -  ...

From hunters and gatherers to the food growers

             Earlier people used to hunting and gathering of food.Around 12000 years ago climate started changing and more and more plants keep on growing.People starts observing how the fruit fell on the ground and how the another plant grows at same place.They started using this technique by growing their own plants. That's about the farming but what about the rearing of animals?            Domestication of animals started may be when,they started sharing their food with the animals. The first animal which was domesticated,a wild ancestor of dog later sheep,goat and cattle were domesticated that's how the animals were domesticated.First,farmers and herders were present at North west,Kashmir,East India and south India.Scientist found the burnt grains and bones buried at some sites.Wheat,barley,rice,lentil,green gram ,dog ,sheep ,goat,  pig and cattle bones were found at these sites: Mehrgarh (Pakistan)...

Hunter and gatherers in and around India.

      Around 5 to 7 million years ago humans came into existence on the African continent and spread across the world.They also came to the Asian continent and start living their life.These people were hunter and gatherers.There are some evidences have been found,which suggests that hunter and gatherers used to live at the bank of river Narmada. People keep on moving,in those days from one place to another.Nowadays,we move from one place to another for work,vacation,occasion,etc.but why these people needs to move,according to my understanding there may be these reasons as follows: if,they stay at one place longer may be they will end up eating all of the resources. Animals keep on,they follow these animals for hunting. In India seasonal rivers do get,may be in search of water. For the hunting and to do all other things they need tools.So,they developed the tools which were made up of stones.These tools were used for many things like c...