Harappan civilization

     Harappan civilization is collection of many cities which have been found around the indus river by the archaeologists.It is called harappan civilization because first city was harappa which have been found.150 years ago when railway lines were laying down engineers found out about the harappa city in punjab(Pakistan) at that time they don't know that it was an ancient civilization.They excavated 1000's of high quality bricks from the site and used them.80 years ago archaeologists found that these bricks were from an ancient civilization and then they started studying these sites.

   Harappan civilization developed 4700 years ago.Some of the important cities in this civilization are: 
  • Harappa                 -   sahiwal district,punjab,Pakistan
  • Rakhi-Garhi          -    haryana,India
  • Kalibangan           -     rajasthan,India
  • Ganweriwala        -     punjab,Pakistan
  • Mohanjo-daro      -     sindh,Pakistan
  • Chanhudaro         -     sindh,Pakistan
  • Sotkakoh             -      balochistan,Pakistan
  • Dholavira             -     gujarat,India 
  • Surkotada            -      gujarat,India
  • Lothal                  -      gujarat,India
     Most of the cities divided into two part.The western part is small and on the higher ground archaeologist called it citadel this part may be for the important people only.The eastern part is large as compared to the western part and on the lower ground it is called lower town this part may be for the common people.These cities made up of well baked bricks in an interlocking pattern which lasted for 1000's of year.


   Probably rulers planned and constructed the special buildings in these cities like the great bath in mohanjo-daro.This bath was coated with plaster and natural tar to make it water tight.Steps were leading down from both the sides of the bath.There were rooms around the bath probably for changing the clothes.May be it was used by the important people on important occasions.Water brought here from the wells and drained out after use,other cities also had special building like Kalibangan and lothal had fire altars for sacrifice. 

   Houses were one or two storeys high in these cities.Rooms were made around the courtyard.They had their own separate bathing areas and wells.They had one of the advanced drainage systems. Drains were covered and had a gentle slope so the water can flow easily.House drain connected to street drains and smaller drains connected to bigger drains and had inspection holes at regular intervals.All of these planned and built at same time.

  Rulers sent people at distant land to get precious stones,gold,silver or beautiful beads for themselves.Scribes were also present in cities who knows how to write and make seals.Seals were rectangular in shape and an animal was carved on it.Crafts persons,travelers return with raw material and stories.Terracotta toys were also found here these are small wooden toys for children.

   Most of the objects found in this civilization were made from stone,shell and metal.Copper and bronze used to make weapons,tools,ornaments and vessels.Gold and silver used for ornaments.Most striking finds are beads,weights and blades.Standardized chert stone weights were used and carnelian red stone for beads.Pots with beautiful black design was also found here. 

   Around 7000 years ago cotton was first grown in mehrgarh(Pakistan).Archaeologists found spindle whorl to spin the thread.Faience was an earthen ware or fancy pottery which was made by sand,powdered quartz,gum and then glazed this results into shiny glassy surface.It was used to make beads,bangles and also used to spin the thread.

   Some of the raw materials were present and some of them brought here from other places.Raw materials which brought here as follows:
                Material                                                Place
  • Copper                                                        Rajasthan or Oman
  • Gold                                                            Karnataka
  • Precious stone                                             Gujarat,Iran,Afghanistan
  • Tin                                                               Iran,Afghanistan
   Countryside people provides food for the people who lives in the city.Wheat,barley,pulses,peas, rice,sesame,linseed and mustard.Wooden plough was used to turn the soil and plant the seeds.This area doesn't receive much rainfall so water was stored for irrigation purpose.In the dry summer herds were taken to large distances for water and food.Goods were carried from one place to another by cart or ship.

Dholavira and lothal

  Dholavira was located on khadir beyt/bet in runn of kutch .where there was fresh water and fertile soil.Unlike other cities it was divided into three parts and each part was surrounded by massive stone walls and entrances through gateways.There was large open area for ceremonies.Harappan scripts carved on white stones and wood.
          Lothal stood beside a tributary of sabarmati close to gulf of khambat.Semi-precious stones were easily available here.There was a store house and dockyard for goods in the city.A workshop was also found here which may be used for making beads,pieces of stones,tools for beads and finished beads.

How did it end?

   Nobody knows the exact reason which leads to the end of harappan civilization.Around 3900 years ago people stopped living in these cities.Some reasons which may end this civilization are:
  • Rivers dried up
  • Deforestation
  • Flood
  • Failure of system
  • Drainage system broke in mohanjo-daro
  • Raw materials became rare
    After this civilization people move towards east and south.New cities emerged 1400 years later.



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