From hunters and gatherers to the food growers

   Earlier people used to hunting and gathering of food.Around 12000 years ago climate started changing and more and more plants keep on growing.People starts observing how the fruit fell on the ground and how the another plant grows at same place.They started using this technique by growing their own plants.That's about the farming but what about the rearing of animals?
      Domestication of animals started may be when,they started sharing their food with the animals.The first animal which was domesticated,a wild ancestor of dog later sheep,goat and cattle were domesticated that's how the animals were domesticated.First,farmers and herders were present at North west,Kashmir,East India and south India.Scientist found the burnt grains and bones buried at some sites.Wheat,barley,rice,lentil,green gram ,dog ,sheep ,goat,  pig and cattle bones were found at these sites:

  • Mehrgarh (Pakistan)
  • Koldihwa (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Mahagara (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Gufkral (Kashmir)
  • Burzahom (Kashmir)
  • Chirand (Bihar)
  • Hallur (Andhra Pradesh)
  • Paiyampalli (Andhra Pradesh)
   When farming and herding was normalized people started living at one place.They started making their own houses to live,like hut and pit houses.Archaeologists have found pit houses in Burzahom (Kashmir) there were cooking hearths inside and outside of the houses which were founded.They used the stone tools which were different from the palaeolithic age stone tools.These tools were polished and had fine cutting edge.Mortars and pestles was also used for grinding the grains.Earthen pots were also found which may be used for cooking,storing food and water.Weaving of cotton cloth was also started at that time.

     People started living in tribes.Now,What is tribe?.Tribe is a group of families which does certain kind of works for their living like hunting,fishing,farming etc.Tribes have their own certain rules and customs which everybody has to obey.Land,forests,grassland and water are regarded as their wealth.

Mehrgarh (Pakistan)

Around 8000 years ago near Bolan Pass this is an important route for Iran.People settled there and make their own settlement.First time wheat and barley was grown here.Bones of deer,pig,sheep,goat and cattle were founded here.There houses were in square or rectangular shape and had four or more compartments in them some were used for storing foods.When their relatives and friends die they look after them.They believes in life after death at one site person was buried with goat may be to serve as food.

Daojali Hading (Assam)

It is one of the Neolithic site in Assam near Brahamputra valley.Stone tools,mortar and pestles found here which indicates that the people were growing grains over here.Jadeite stones were also found may be brought here from the China.


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