Everything you need to know about Buddhism

Birth of Buddha (Symbol=Lotus or Bull)

  Siddhartha Gautama was born in 563 B.C. at Kapilavastu,Lumbini(Nepal) his father Suddhodhana was the king of Sakya clan,which was a republic.The mother's name of Siddhartha was Mahamaya,she was a koshalan princess.She died after 7 days of giving birth to Siddhartha.Mahapajapati Gotami looked after him when his mother died.She was his step-mother.She was the sister of Maya.She was also the first bhikkhuni(Buddhist Nun).Prince Siddhartha was married at the age of 16 to Yashodhara and had a son named Rahula.

Mahabhinishkramana (Symbol=Horse)

  From the start Siddhartha had a meditative mind set.At the age of 29 for the first time when he goes out with his charioteer Chandaka then he sees the four scenes which had a great impact on his life.The four scenes which effect him that much were first an old man,second a sick person,third a dead man and fourth an ascetic.After each scene he asked the Chandaka questions about them that why are they like this?.After seeing these scenes they came back home and he thinks about these people but couldn't find an answer which will satisfy him.So,he leaves at midnight on his horse Kanthaka to find out the answer of his questions.

Nirvana(Symbol=Mahabodhi tree)

  After leaving his house Siddhartha wandered here there for some time before meeting his first teacher Alara Kalama.He teaches him the way of meditation soon Siddhartha attained the same level as Alara Kalama.Now he had nothing to teach him anymore.So,he leaves from there and meet his second teacher Uddaka Ramaputta again he learned things fastly and nothing more to learn from Uddaka.Now he went to Bodhgaya(Bihar).He attained enlightenment on 49th day of meditation on the banks of Niranjan(Phalgu) river under a pipal tree.From now on he is called Buddha means a wiseman.He also attained nirvana,that is,man is free from the cycle of birth and death.

Dharmachakra Parivartan(Symbol=8 spoked wheel)

After seven weeks of attaining enlightenment he gave his first sermon at Sarnath(UP) to his former companions Kondanna,Assaji,Bhaddiya,Vappa and Mahanama.He taught them about four noble truth(Arya satyas)
  1. World is full of sorrows.
  2. Cause of sorrow is desire.
  3. If desires are conquered,all sorrows can be removed.
  4. Only way this can be done by following 8-fold path.
   8-fold path
  1. Right Thought
  2. Right Understanding
  3. Right Speech
  4. Right Actions
  5. Right Livelihood
  6. Right Effort
  7. Right Mindfullness
  8. Right Concentration

Formation of Sangha

   Buddha had two kinds of disciple-monks(bhikshus) and lay followers(upasikas).Buddha also organised sangha for the purpose of spreading his teachings.The membership was open to all persons irrespective of their caste,creed and sex.However,slaves,soldiers, and debtors have to take permissions.The monks required to observe the rules and regulation of sangha faithfully.There are three jewels of buddhism(Triratnas)
  1. Budddha(the enlightened)
  2. Dhamma(doctrine)
  3. Sangha(order)
Most important disciples of Buddha were:-Sariputta,Moggallana,Ananda,Kassapa and upali.


  There are multiple theory about the death of Buddha.One is that Buddha died in 483 B.C from eating pork which caused him food poisoning offered by a blacksmith named Cunda on his way to Kusinagara where he took his last breath.One theory is also that he self-sacrificed his body himself.Other theory is that he eated poisoned mushroom offered by cunda the blacksmith.After the death of Buddha,his relics were divided into 8 portions and distributed among the kings and make stupas on them.

cause of origin and spread of Buddhism

  1. Buddhism doesn't believe in castism,soul,animal slaughtering,god,vedas but believes in birth and rebirth,law of karma.Buddha said that condition of man in this life depends on his deeds.He emphasized on ahimsa.This was a social revolution against the social evils which were present at that time.
  2. The four-fold stratification of society on the basis of varna generated tensions.Kshatriyas reacted strongly against the ritualistic domination of brahamans.So they supported the Buddhism.
  3. The rise of new agriculture economy in North Eastern India which required bullocks but vedic practice of killing cattle led to decimation of wealth.So Buddhism propagated  ideal of Ahimsa and spoke out against the vedic sacrifices.
  4. The rise of large number of cities in North Eastern India and use of punched-marked coins facilitated trade and commerce which added importance of vaishyas,who looked for some religion which could improve their position.So they supported Buddhism in spreading.
  5. The common man didn't like various forms of private property which created social inequalities.So common people yearned to return to primitive life.So,it give them simple and puritan ascetic living. 
  6. The causes for popularity of buddhism were:- 1.Buddha was a profound personality.2.He used Pali language to preach.3.He didn't involve in metaphysical discussions,suggested simple and practical way of living.4.Patronised by various kingdoms.5.He didn't give much importance to the existing varna system.

Buddhist councils

First buddhist council(483 B.C)
     It was held right after the death of Buddha in Rajgriha under the patronage of Ajatashatru.The president of this council was Mahakassapa.In this council Ananda composed the sutta pitaka(Buddha's sayings) and upali composed vinaya pitaka(contains monastic codes).

Second buddhist council(383 B.C)
   It was held in Vaishali under the patronage of Kalasoka.The president of this council was Sabakami.In this council buddhist sangha was divides into two parts sthaviravadins/theravadins and mahasanghikas.Theravadins follow the original rules of sangha but mahasanghikas don't follow the previous rules.

Third buddhist councils(250 B.C)
      It was held in Pataliputra under the patronage of Ashoka .The president of this council was Moggaliputta Tissa(Upagupta).In this council theravadins was established as the true followers and Abhidhamma pitaka(philosphy of buddhism) was composed.     

Fourth buddhist council(1st century A.D)
         It was held in Kashmir under the patronage of Kanishka.The president of this council was Vasumitra.It was discussed in sanskrit instead of pali language.In this council Buddhism was divided into two sect Hinayana and Mahayana. 

 Difference between Hinayana and Mahayana

 Hinayana Buddhism
  1. It held firm to the letter of Buddha's teaching.
  2. It was developed with sangha as center.
  3. It's scriptures was written in Pali lamguage.
  4. It believes in salvation by work.
  5. It centered around the acts of Buddha.
  6. It stressed on rightous action and law of karma.
  7. It's ideas is Arhat,who strives after his own redemption.
  8. Hinayana means lesser vehicle.
Mahayana Buddhism
  1. It held firm to the essence of Buddha's teaching.
  2. It developed with individual as a center.
  3. It's scriptures was written in sanskrit are sutras.
  4. It believes in salvation by faith.
  5. It centered around symbolism and personality of Buddha's life.
  6. It held that over and above the law of karma was law of karuna and compassion.
  7. It upholds the ideals of Bodhisattva or saviour who is concerned with salvation of others.
  8. Mahayana means greater vehicle.

Cause for decline of Buddhism on it's place of origin

  1. It succumbed to rituals and ceremonies it denounced.
  2. The reform of Brahamanism and rise of Bhagvatism.
  3. Buddhists gave up pali and took up the use of sanskrit from 1st century A.D.
  4. From 1st century A.D.Buddhists started practicing idol worship and receiving offerings & large donations,leading to deterioration of moral standards.
  5. The attacks of Huna's such as Mihirakula,and the turkish invaders such as Bakhtiyar khilji led to decimation of Buddhism. 


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